If I lived in the Star Wars Universe I would have a healthy dislike for the Force. Whether Jedi or Sith I would just not like them, here is why.

You can’t trust them to care about anyone but themselves. This is especially true of the Sith but even the Jedi care more about the “mysteries of the Force” than curing societal ills and righting wrongs. They have some great propaganda but when the bantha poodoo hits the fan, they only care about getting and keeping control. The universe is going to pot in the Clone Wars and it is all a ploy to get the Sith back in power. The Jedi destabilize the entire political climate because the Emperor happens to be a Sith. “So Luke you just killed the Emperor and destroyed the Imperial Regime. You have ushered in a new era of political and economic instability. Now what do you do?”

Ok I admit it, I am a nerd. I love Star Wars a lot but I realize most of you don’t so I will move on to my thoughts regarding Republicans and Democrats…
Reposted from my old blog, originally written in 2006. Just goes to show you that no matter how much things change they always stay the same;) How do you think we can rise above this?
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